Dec 29, 2015 books for pss group b examination from shri. The department of india post service is directly controlled by the ministry of communication and information technology. Paper ii of postal sorting assistant examination is conducted to evaluate your typing skill. If the print book includes a cdrom, this content is not included within the ebook version. The correspondence, if any, is made with candidates through respective recruiting authority only. Forms completion forms completion practice test 16 directions. Limited departmental competitive examination for promotion to the cadre of pasa from postmanmail guard, despatch rider and mts in postal divisionsunits. Historically, point bonuses of 510 points were awarded to applicants based on military veteran disabled veteran status.
At this juncture, our communication systems need to stand up to the test of time and have to become really effective. Learn more about what study materials we offer with your purchase. The department of posts dop has started the registration process for online recruitment of gramin dak sevak gds, postman, mail guard, mts multi tasking staff, pa, sa, mms staff car driver, skilled artisan and other posts through their official web page. Operating system concepts need and functions introduction to office applications basic operations of windows word processor basic. Test 473 for orientation guide major entrylevel jobs. Download odisha postal admit card mts postal admit card 2017.
Studying with actual postal exam questions and answers will let you know how well you are prepared for the actual postal test, allowing you to concentrate on the areas you need to work on. So, aspirants looking for the haryana gramin dak sevak merit list 2020 can happily download it from this post which is attached at the end of the page. Im about done reading through all the posts on ce testtakers and taking notes before i dive in. System administrators, indiapost cc bridge version 6. Taking postal practice exams help you get used to what will be on the actual exam. P circle, hyderabad has given employment notification for the recruitment of 410 postman and mail guard vacancies in various postal divisions units in andhra pradesh circle. To obtain a local post office job, you first need to apply for a job with the us post office. Books for postal examination 4 bpm gdsbpm gdsmd application 16 bpm notification 10. The most common positions that require passing the postal exam 473 are listed below. In order to get a local post office job you will need to pass a postal exam. Computer typing test for postalsorting assistant exam. Check your answers using the forms completion test 16 answer key.
Indian post office recruitment 2017 notifications govt job. The us postal exam 473 or 473e is the most common assessment test for many united states postal service post office positions. Get details for odisha postal admit card 2017 odisha postal circle mts hall ticket 2017. In this economy we all need all the help we can get. To get a local post office job, you must pass a postal exam.
Sir, i am selected for postal assistant exam tel me. Postal work authority is one of the finest usps hiring assistance in the country. Postal service a great place to work welcome to the test 473 orientation guide for major entrylevel jobs. Syllabus for the post of multi tasking staff mts qualification. This guide explores certain aspects of the examination process a first step for employment consideration with the united states postal service an outstanding, awardwinning service provider for the worldwide movement of. Indian post office recruitment 2017 notifications govt job in postal department apply online 55000 vacancies post master posts, and gramin dak sevek gds. To ensure the continuation of your screening process, you will need to score 70 or above on all 4 sections of the 473 exam. Ace the postal exam how to prepare for the postal exam and get hired with the u. Postal battery exam practice test coding and memory test. Postal department online practice test, tamilnadu postal department online mock test, postal department recruitment 2012, postal department exams 2012, tamilnadu postal department exam preparation, tamilnadu postal department vacancies, postal department exam preparation, postal department model question papers, postal department question papers, postal department. These are some of the questions from the 955 postal exam.
Centre drops tamil, postal jobs test now only in english, hindi. This ace the postal exam guide is designed to assist you in finding employment with the usps and provides the following information and guidance. Haryana man answering malayalam questions blows lid off pan. Jan 02, 2020 see our free postal exam 473 questions updated for 2020 below. Tn postal circle syllabus 2020 for 232 multitasking staff mts jobs. Downloads for sa india post admin february 10, 20 downloads, usefulpost 33 comments page updated on 16. What distinguishes the postal service from other service organizations. Post office exam usps 473 assessment answers pass no studying. Across the board, test preparation is known to enhance exam results. You have 6 minutes to answer the following questions using the coding guide provided. Ipo examination 2016 questions with answer paper iv question no 1 to 50. One margin of it should be affixed in the appropriate place in the. Find information on our most convenient and affordable shipping and mailing services. The postal exam battery 473 and 473c exams are actually the same test.
Managing online exam with exam center infrastructure online examination is becoming important aspect to conduct entrance exam of education institute, recruitment exam for hiring. The only ingredient required to pass the postal exam 473 is rock solid preparation. Perverse software computer virus open source software. Publication 60a test 473 for major entrylevel jobs. Anyone with an interest in working for the us post office as a clerk or a mail carrier must take either the 473c city carrier exam, the 473 retail clerk exam, or the 460 rural carrier exam which has not changed. Specialties such as mechanic, electronic technician, machinist, and trades must also pass a. India post gramin dak sevak selection process 2020 gds. All the candidates who have applied for the gds, should know that the merit list will comprise the quality of computer knowledge.
Look at the sample usps forms and answer the questions that follow. Postal battery exam practice test forms completion test v. The main reason why i selected this book over the others because of the cd that came along with it. Direct recruitment to the cadre of multi tasking staff mts in kerala postal circle. It includes a study guide to help prepare you for the exam, as well as the exam dates and location. Career prospects of postal assistantssorting assistants in department of posts. Csi operating manual csi made easy guide for all officials in post office admin september 08, 2017 csi, user guides 1 comments click below link to download operating manual of csi. Managing online exam with exam center infrastructure. Mail, or postal service is an independent agency of the executive branch of the united states federal government responsible for providing postal service in the united states, including its insular areas and associated states.
Submit your information and a representative will respond to your query within 24 hours. Upon completing 30 years in the military i wanted information about a job opportunity with postal service. Tn postal circle syllabus 2020 exam pattern for tn post office. We want to tell all the aspirants some important points about the selection process of india post gramin dak sevak. Other local post office jobs include corporate jobs, sales and marketing jobs, and information technology jobs. Viewdownload notification for competitive examination for recruitment to the cadre of mts from eligible gds for the vacancy year 2019 01.
Departmentalnotification for competitive examination from gds to the cadre of mts for the vacancies of. The postal 460 exam is an entrance exam administered by the us postal service for rural carriers. Study materials postal exam postal exam 473 postal jobs. Post office recruitment 2020 apply online gds postman. The mail carrier, clerk, and many other post office job occupations presented here are excerpted from post office jobs. Odisha postal circle mts previous papers download model papers. Job openings in the postal service are posted by job titles. Parnells new postal exam 473 amd 473c computerbased course.
Limited departmental competitive examination ldce for lgo exam, held on 15. Many usps jobs revolve around sorting and delivering mail. Get the rank list according to the name wise for the gramin dak sewak exam results 2019. Ensuring requisite infrastructure, software, adequate software and security software for the smooth conduct of the examination in different cities in the state of bihar. You must pass the exam and be placed on an eligible register before being invited to interview for a job position for which you applied. Postal department online practice test tn postal department. No, really, we want you to get started right away with a new career and a new life. Indian post office result 2019 get indian post office. The postal battery exam 473 will assess the skills most used in performing these tasks. Government of india, department of post india post. The postal inspector entrance exam is no exception.
Welcome to the official website of haryana postal circle, department of posts, ministry of comm. Many applicants for jobs with the united states postal service are required to take the postal exam. Branch greater south carolina district job posting period 09112014 09172014 this job has an exam requirement. Posb calculator is a complete package and replacement for all other posb calculator which are available in the various blog. Downloads for sa india post admin february 10, 20 downloads, usefulpost 33 comments. Test 473 orientation guide for major entrylevel jobs. The adequate number of systems at the location to be provided with suitable configuration. Indian post office board will be released as per rank wise on its official website. Our designated programs provides you access to livesupport and postal exam simulators, which helps in applying and effectively preparing for the exam. Oct 11, 2011 limited departmental competitive examination ldce for lgo exam, held on 15. This section in the 473 exam tests your ability to identify information needed to complete forms similar to those used by the postal service, along with your ability to identify information to correctly completing forms. Sir, i am selected for postal assistant exam tel me the future promotions,incentives in postal department i heard there is increase in da for every 6 months and yearly. Now candidates are waiting for their call letter for second test, that is typing speed and data entry test. Postal department recruitment exam online practice test.
Recognition sheets which are then valued using a computer software. Postal exam 473 us postal service postal work authority. Only such applicants whose odisha post online form 2017 are successfully submitted in the department will be called for written test. Post office jobs cover many different responsibilities, including. The postal exam will determine if you can identify whether two addresses are identical, use the proper code to assign mail to an address, memorize assigned codes for address ranges and complete post office forms correctly. Jan 06, 2006 this is the ebook version of the printed book. A variety of address information products and services is available to assist in list main tenance. Getting a job with the us postal service requires you to pass a postal exam. Jobtestprep has developed an affordable and comprehensive postal inspector preparation pack.
Using either registration process provides prompts for filling out a job application and request the job announcement number. How to register to take the postal exam test career trend. Almost all the post offices are computerised and the postal assistants work is always on computer. Selected candidate is getting system generated sms only for his selection. Follow the directions in the email to schedule your postal examination. This gets more importance because it is a must need skill for day to day works in post office.
The 955 exam is used to test for electronics technician, mpe mechanic and building maintenance positions. How to get scheduled for a postal exam career trend. Postal addressing standards provides guidance on the most efficient means to output an address to a mailpiece. Learn about the current usps postal exams and assessment tests, and see how s test prep assistance will help you get the job.
Department of posts does not make any phone callssms to the candidates for depositing any money. The odisha postal circle 2017 examination will be held on 17th sept, 2017 at various centers. Clerks, carriers, rural carriers and other mailhandling job applicants must pass the 473 post office exam. I make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this page and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its. All the information published in this webpage is submitted by users or free to download on the internet.
The job descriptions show the tremendous diversity that the u. Typing 1 typing practice 4 typing software 10 typing website 2. Those aspirants who wish to check out their rank list can download the pdf link attached in this article. Not everyone who submits an application will be invited to take the assessment.
Aptitude test with a total 100 marks paper 1 test will be 2 hrs 120 minutes. Postal clerk and carrier exam cram 473, 473c, 460, 2nd. The postal departments recruitment drive in 201617 had triggered a controversy with many hindispeaking. This website belongs to department of posts, ministry of communications, goi. The 473 postal exam or 473e is the most commonly used tests administered by the us postal service usps. Department of posts, office of the chief postmaster general, a. All offices should install this calculator for calculating interest maturity value and repayment of loan, mis to rd with interest value. See our free postal exam 473 questions updated for 2020 below. Look for the application package which contains information about the postal exam. Postal system was founded in 1774 and as of march 31 st 2011, our indian postal services has 1,54,866 post offices around our country. Syllabus for po and rms accountant exam posted by admin feb 26. The department of posts india post is a government operated postal system, under ministry of communication and information technology, government of india. United states postal service external publication for job posting 79935332 if this job requires qualification on an examination, the number of applicants who will be invited to take or retake the examination may be limited.
Postal exam 476, one of the four new virtual entry assessment tests recently launched, is now used to fill all mail processing jobs. Yesterday we published pa sa cut off marks for this years written exam that was conducted statewise. Providing test centre alongwith the schedule of examinations. The odisha postal circle dept has released an advertisement for 144 multi tasking staff vacancies. The fee should be paid at any post office in the island through a general receipt of the postal department. It is necessary to begin with list maintenance, or list management, to ensure that the content of the address is accurate and complete.
Post office recruitment 2020 apply online gds postman mts. Splashgain has come up with unique proposition where examination proctoring along with entire examination management can be effectively executed using technology. To register for postal exam 473 click on an entrylevel job listing on, or call the tollfree number listed with the job opening. Created and managed by tata consultancy services ltd. Preparation for the postal 460 exam consists of understanding what is on the exam, how it is scored, and answering as many free postal exam questions as you can. Applicants for this examination, except those who are sitting for the first time, should pay a sum of rs. The candidates who are going to appear for the odisha postal circle department exam 2017 can download the odisha postal circle multi tasking staff sample papers. I make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this page and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.
Postal assistant typing and data entry test dates 2014. Post office exam date 2020 2021 syllabus,exam papers. Postal exam questions for forms completion v section 4c testing. Such a small investment for such a valuable career opportunity. Jun 24, 2017 odisha postal circle mts previous papers is available here.
Schedule of financial powers of department of posts. India posts and indian postal circle offers career opportunities to eligible indian nationals. Post office guide, manual and saving manual details post office guide part i contains guidelines to customers transacting in various postal products in inland mail. Test 473 for orientation guide major entrylevel jobs usps.
Disciplinary authority and appellate authority in respect of postal and rms officials and grade pay of postal. Advance test preparation is essential because you must take this exam within 72 hours of applying for a job. If you are about to take the postal service exam, keep in mind that you will need to score 70% in all sections of the 473 exam. When businesses require collection of bills and other payments from customers across the country, post office offers them a simple and convenient solution in the form of epayment. You need to create a profile, apply for a position, and pass a postal exam. Ipo examination previous year question paper paper 1 to 4. Not as many for ce as there are for ppd and pdiddy side note. We want you to pass no, ace the post office exam and get your dream job. So, everyone is advised to apply as early as possible.